Blood Moon Rising

There is evil inside of us all…

As the Blood Moon rises, your band of brave souls must navigate the twisted passages of Dracula’s palaceā€”a place where sorrow is etched into the walls and each corner whispers of past atrocities. You will delve into the ancient, bloodied history of the undead lord, unearthing secrets steeped in malevolence and echoes of those who came before. The damned hold the key to ending Dracula’s insatiable lust for dominion and vengeance for all time.

Mark the calendars for late 2024, when the veil between worlds will thin, and the spine-chilling expedition begins. Will you rise to the occasion? Or will Dracula’s sinister plot spiral the world into perpetual night? Will you be ready, when the Blood Moon Rises?

Heros to fight the darkness…

Game Objective

Blood Moon Rising rules, art and everything will be subject to change at the date of release as it is still classified as “indevelopment”

The main goal will be to defeat Dracula and his minions before you are overwhelmed. Each hero will need to complete their own quest and work together defeat Dracula. Death for our characters is a real possibility, for each monster killed our characters grow in strength. Artifacts prove to be an essential element in the game and allow you to complete challenges as you go. Once each character has completed their designated Quest then you approach Dracula and achieve endgame.

So Many Monsters…

Blood Moon Rising - The Monsters
Lots and Lots of Cards, as of right now around 120

Available late 2024

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